Confidence in Uncertain Times: A Hymn Festival

This is a recording of a hymn festival on November 17, 2024. Commentary by Rev. Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil. The Organist is Rev. Dr. Paul Grime. The Officiant is Matthew Wurm. Click here for the Confidence in Uncertain Times, Service Folder.

Courageous Conversations — Christian Responses to the Cultural Wreckage of Sexuality (2023)

In a post-Christian world, the intersection of Christian sexuality and contemporary culture requires well-informed and vital discussion. This conference, Courageous Conversations: Christian Responses to the Cultural Wreckage of Sexuality, will examine how Christians can effectively understand, affirm, and lead a life of faithful sexuality in the face of an increasingly hostile sexual revolution culture. Biblical and Natural Law perspectives will be offered, equipping Christians to confidently address modern misconceptions and challenges with colleagues, family, and friends.

Soul Care and Sex: Pastoral Care for Chaotic Times

DOXOLOGY II, 2023, addressed the pastoral care challenges a Seelsorger faces in these gray and latter days. Rev. Dr. John Kleinig marveled at the Mystery of Marriage and brought compassionate and wise care to the issue of Pornography. Rev. Dr. Joel Elowsky revealed the sexual chaos of the Roman world and how the church fathers […]

Speaking Up: Christian Confession in an Age of Sexual Confusion – Dr. Ryan T. Anderson & Dr. Lucas Woodford (2021)

There is wide spread confusion in American culture regarding sex, marriage and gender which greatly complicates Christian life and witness. This Seminar prepares Christians to advocate confidently, purposefully and positively for the biblical vision of human sexuality within their families and in the public square not merely on religious freedom grounds, but as a matter of common sense, compassion and human flourishing.

Caring for Souls in an Age of Sexual Confusion – Dr. Lucas Woodford (2021)

Dr. Lucas Woodford teaches on how to preach, teach, catechize, evangelize and care for souls in a world of increasing sexual delusion and chaos. Using Scriptural teaching as well as case studies from his own pastoral practice, Dr. Woodford will provide useful examples of how to apply our Lutheran theology using actual examples of pastoral work.

Mission Among the Ruins: Touchstones for Ministry in a World that Has Lost its Story – Anthony Esolen (2019)

Christian households and churches alike are trying to figure out how to navigate a world that seems to have lost its direction on foundational matters of faith, interpersonal relations, sexuality, marriage and family. How do we communicate the biblical story of God’s love in Christ Jesus to a culture that considers it outmoded and bigoted?

Male and Female He Made Them: Christian Sexuality in a Decadent World (Insight, 2018)

With the legal redefinition of marriage, the confusion regarding gender, and rapidly changing sexual mores in society, biblical singles, couples, and parents are looking for guidance in articulating and promoting a positive view of the Christian vision for marriage and sexuality. Our goal is to equip people with the tools to speak constructively and to live confidently amid the current confusion.

Ecclesiastes – Dr. John Kleinig (Insight – September 2016)

Below is a listing of DOXOLOGY’s lectures and videos from our Insight – September, 2016.

A Conversation with Dr. James Nestingen (2016)

Below is a listing of DOXOLOGY’s conversation videos from our Collegium Conversation with Dr. James Nestingen – Carefree, AZ.

Finding Our Voice: Sex, Marriage, and Christian Vision (Insight – 2015)

Below is a listing of DOXOLOGY’s lectures and videos from our Insight – August, 2015 – St. Louis, MO. “Finding Our Voice”.

Conversations with Rev. Eugene H. Peterson (2015)

Pastoral care is difficult. It involves careful attention to both the Scriptures and the people we care for. But we don’t learn it alone; we need to cultivate the company of other pastors, living and departed. In May 2015 the Fellows of our DOXOLOGY Collegium traveled to Kalispell, Montana to sit down with Rev. Eugene Peterson, noted pastoral theologian and author of more than 20 books on pastoral care, for a discussion on our favorite topic: the classic heritage of the cure of souls and its contemporary application.

The Holy Spirit – Dr. John Kleinig (Insight – August 2014)

Below is a listing of DOXOLOGY’s lectures and videos from our Insight in August, 2014 – Springfield, IL.

Parsonage Life and Absolution – Dr. James Nestigen (Grand Reunion 2013)

Below is a listing of DOXOLOGY’s lectures and videos from our 2013 Grand Reunion.

Speaking the Truth in Love (Insight — August 2013)

Speaking the Truth in Love: A Compassionate Response to Same Sex Attraction and Same Sex Marriage

Thy Kingdom Come: A Focused Seminar for Pastors on Evangelism in a Post-Christian World (Spotlight — April 2013)

Below is a listing of DOXOLOGY’s lectures and videos from our Spotlight on Ministry- April, 2013- Columbia, IL. 

The Problem of Post-Christian Christianity (Grand Reunion, 2012)

Dr. Menuge tackles the complex problem of Post-Christian Christianity with a multi-dimensional approach that confronts the root of the problem rather than the symptoms. This approach deals with the will, intellect, and imagination of a person, specifically of those coming from the modern and post-modern worldview, with the goal of restoring the idea that Christianity is objectively true.

Deliver Us From Evil: Spiritual Warfare in Lutheran Perspective

SPOTLIGHT on Ministry Conference, 9/10 October 2012, Waukesha, Wisconsin Dr. John W. Kleinig — Adelaide, Australia

Dr. John Kleinig (Grand Reunion – 2011)

Featuring lectures from Dr. John Kleinig: The Family Altar; Access to the Father’s Grace: Finding Help for Ourselves and Others; Rejoicing in God’s Law: On Preaching the Decalogue Positively; Enacting God’s Word in the Divine Service; The Cleansing Blood

Dr. John Kleinig (Grand Reunion 2010)

Featuring lectures from Dr. John Kleinig: The Lost Art of Meditation; Daily Sanctification; Called to Be Thanks-givers and Praise-Singers; Spiritual Empowerment for Unashamed Ministry; Dealing with Spiritual Abuse

Dr. John Kleinig (Grand Reunion 2009)

Featuring lectures from Dr. John Kleinig: The Mystery of Christ; Headship and Subordination; Dealing with Anger; Spiritual Warfare; The Use of Blessing in Pastoral Care